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For Bulk Liquid Storage Tanks

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Gauging Systems Inc. -Whats Your Application

Gauging Systems Inc. is a full-service provider of Inventory and Loss Control solutions for Bulk Storage Tanks. This includes Liquid Tank Gauging (Product Quantity & Quality) Overfill Protection, Rupture Protection, Leak Detection (Unauthorized Movement), Vapor Monitoring (Emissions, PRV, or Blanket Monitoring), Tank Bottom or Roof Movement Indication, EFR Water on roof, Mixing Electrical Savings, etc. 

GSI provides everything from TG SOFT SERVER, Communications Interface Modules, Target Boards, GSI 2550 Magnetic Level Gauge, GSI 2570 Mechanical Gauges to the most advanced Liquid Tank Gauges on the market, MMP “Multi-Media Probe” and MTG “Multi-function Tank Gauge.” 

GSI provides everything from Target Boards and Mechanical Gauges to the most advanced Liquid Tank Gauges on the market, MMP “Multi-Media Probe” and MTG “Multi-function Tank Gauge.”

Tank Gauging & Loss Control Solutions

GSI 1010 TG SOFT SERVER – is a LAN/WAN/Cloud Unix based software solution for tank gauging and related applications (Outbound Texting & Messaging). It runs from a server on the “Tank Gauging LAN” and uses any smart device with a browser to access the application, i.e., approved network, device, user I.D. and login. Smart devices include Desktop, Notebook, Pads, Phones, TV’s, etc.


It includes the basic functionality of: User Permissions; System configuration database; Continuous polling of configured Instruments; Alarming (Instruments and Software); Alarm, Event, and Historical Database (Logs); Tank gauging measurement standards; Preset and configurable displays – Text and graphical; Manual entry (Hand line, Lab data, etc.); System diagnostics; and optional Instrument diagnostics.  


The TG SOFT SERVER has additional “Applications” available based upon tank gauge capabilities: Transfer Editor with ticketing (Sampling: Top, Middle, & Bottom); Blending (Density & Temperature); Vapor Monitoring; Leak Detection (Historical, Configurable time 12/24/48/72 hrs. and real time); Alarm Annunciator Display (API 2350 5th Edition); Rain on roof (EFR); Remote Fuel Monitoring; Hurricane Preparation; etc. 


GSI 1570 CIM “Communications Interface Module” Is a device designed to perform multiple tasks.  

•  Physically the GSI 1570 CIM has six (6) ports of which one is for configuration, with five (5) configurable RS 232 / RS 485 ports of which two (2) can be configured for Ethernet (TCP/IP).  

•  Single or redundant host communication can be accomplished.  

•  The CIM continuously polls field instruments and updates the data to the host.  

•  It can provide both protocol and/or topology conversion.

•  Various manufacturers field and host protocols are supported, such as MODBUS, MODBUS RTU, MODBUS ASCII, MODBUS TCP/IP, Mark-Space, Tankway, Bi-phase Mark, MQTT, etc.  

•  Topologies options include Hardwired, Fiber, Radio, Satellite, and Cellular communications using existing power, solar, etc. The number of tank instruments per 1570 CIM is based upon power required (gauge type and topology) 

•  Optional I.S. barriers, within EXP. area classification  

•  Optional local LCD display (1-6 Tanks)


GSI 1580 CIM/TGS A CIM with a CPU running TG Soft Server

A standard CIM 1570 with an Industrial CPU running a LAN/ WAN/Internet browser version of Tank Gauging Software Server. This provides a full tank gauging system within a CIM for use with MTG, MMP, and GSI 2570 mechanical gauge with GSI 2110/APTB3.6 Transmitter. The MTG or MMP gauge technology provides strapping tables, API volume calculations, Inventory, etc. while the TG Soft Server provides browser access (with permissive) on any smart device with the tank gauge information (Diagnostics, Historian, Alarms, Events, Tank Displays (Text & Graphic), Reports (Screen, E-mail, SMS, File transfer) and outbound via numerous protocols, including PI, OPC/UA, SAP, MQTT, etc. Supports Radio (WI-FI), Cellular, Satellite, Etc. Topologies. Designed for Intel i3+, 4gb, 32Gb SSD CPU Board, it supports a single CIM with up to six (6) devices (Tank Gauges). Perfect for remote monitoring applications. Shelter configurations available 


GSI 2000 “Absolute Brush” Transmitter (See GSI 2110)

The Encoder / Transmitter Standard since 1987. Still supported.


GSI 2110 Absolute Digital Transmitter (Capacitance Transmitter)

A better designed, and economic transmitter for mechanical tank gauges. The GSI 2110 Absolute Digital Transmitter is used in new tank gauge applications or to retrofit and upgrade older GSI 2000 or other manufacturers transmitters. The APTB 3.6 Transmitter Board has connectors for both the GSI 2000 Absolute Brush Encoders and the 2110 Capacitance Encoder.  The GSI 2110 Transmitter consists of the following:

 APTB ”All Purpose Transmitter Board” Version 3.6 

•  Specified Personality Module for protocol and electrical characteristics of emulated gauging systems (MODBUS RTU, Mark-Space, Ethernet, Fiber, TP600, Tankway, Bi-phase Mark, and others) 

•  Blue Tooth (9-12 feet) option for configuration by Smart Device (iPhone/iPad)

•  2110 Capacitance Absolute Encoder (Non-Slipping), Higher resolution accuracy (Traceable within the GSI 1010 TG SOFT SERVER)

•  Surge Protection

•  Explosion Proof (UL Class 1, Div 1, C & D) Transmitter Housing  

•  Options: Blue Tooth Board or Limit Switches


GSI 2200 Limit Switch Available with 2 to 4 switches or micro adjustable switches. For use with the GSI-2570 and GSI-2550. Limit Switches are also available on the GSI 2110 Encoder or Transmitter.


GSI 2400 Analog 4-20ma Transmitter – Is an Analog Transmitter for use with the GSI 2550 or GSI 2570 mechanical gauges. Simple, easy to install and calibrate design. Smart Analog “Hockey Puck” Transmitter geared to meet the specified tank height.


GSI 2530 Level Indicator/Target Board – Tank Side “Ruler” Level Indicator and internal gauge kit hardware (sheave elbows, bottom anchor, top anchors, guide wire, and cable). Multiple kit configurations based upon product, physical tank, & application.


GSI 2543 Flood Gauge – with Set Point Alarms for Water on road, Water too high, and Too High for Emergency Vehicles.  Remote Communications via radio, cellular, or satellite.


GSI 2550 Magnetic Level Gauge – A magnetic tank gauge with SS tube with SS Donut Float. All components in contact with the liquid are Stainless Steel. The movement of the float actuates the mechanical indicator and drive shaft for optional limit switch, analog, or digital transmitter. Tank height to 17’ (5.18m).


GSI 2570 Mechanical Gauge & Kits (Float & Tape Gauge) – Plain and simple, it is a better built mouse trap (the new standard for Mechanical Tank Gauges & Kits). The most dependable mechanical “Float & Tape Gauge” ever manufactured. Better built parts and smarter overall design, used for new installations or retrofit of other mechanical gauges. Available in gauge kits (supporting various tank types), gauge head(s), or component gauge parts. Local mechanical reading without power (for Primary or Secondary level measurement). Innage or Outage measurement, and English, Decimal, or Metric Reading Units. Note: GSI 2560 Kit is a 2570 gauge with hand crank and claw float for dry product applications.


Mechanical Gauge Parts and Accessories Available for most manufacturers. 


MTG “Multi-function Tank Gauge” Technology (Patented) 

The MTG “Multi-function Tank Gauge” provides the most accurate data on the product in your tank. It is the most accurate gauge for Volume, Mass, Temperature, Density, Water, and Level within the shorter spans between transducers.


MTG provides more information for Loss Control, Safety, Environmental, and Operations than any other tank gauge system ever developed. It provides and exceeds data needed to meet a host of API Recommended Procedures or Standards for Overfill Protection, Rupture Monitoring (Over pressure & Vacuum), Product Quality (Sampling), Vapor Emissions Monitoring, Leak Detection, Product Stratification Monitoring for In-Tank Blending, Water Settling (Bleeding), etc. thus providing payback on your investment.


Physically MTG is a single (2” standard – 4”) S.S. probe instrument that installs from one tank top flange in sections. The standard configuration requires only one Intrinsically Safe electrical connection for power (7 – 14Vdc), signal (MODBUS RTU), and I.S. ground. Physically fewer terminations or potential failure points than tank gauging systems using multiple instruments and multiple tank openings.


The MTG does not require a gauge well but can fit within an 8” or larger gauge well along with enough room for manual hand lines or sampling. This allows the verification of all measured parameters for Volume by Hybrid (Level, Temperature, Density, & Water) or Hydrostatic (Mass, Density, & Water) Method from the same physical location and product media. The ability to verify ATG calibration and to prove accuracy in comparison to the known reference.


MTG is bottom referenced using a magnetic footer and at the top flange it uses an O-ring seal to allow for any tank bottom or roof movement. A TRMI “Tank Reference (bottom and roof) Movement Indicator” physically shows reference point movement (or potential measurement error) from outage measurement.  Note: The TRMI can be automated for remote measurement and used within TG SOFT SERVER for a displayed parameter. 

All MTG probe sections and sensor housings are precision machined and measured to determine the exact location and downward orientation of each high accuracy absolute pressure transducer and Class A, 100 Ohm Platinum, four wire RTD.


MTG is flexible in design, can be engineered, and manufactured to meet the needs of multiple applications. MTG is installed in tank heights that range from 8’ (2.43m) to 265’ (80.77m) and used within all types of products; clean (gasoline, JP, etc.) to dirty (crude oil, grease, lubricant additives, etc.) products.


MVS 3002 Multi-function Vapor SensorProvides a means for Rupture Protection, i.e., tank over pressure and vacuum that is not addressed within API 2350 or IEC 61511 Overfill Protection. MVS 3002 measures Vapor & Ambient pressure, temperature, and calculates density.


The MVS 3002 when in conjunction with the GSI TG Soft Server Historian, can be used to determine the current settings of Pressure Relief Vents (PRV) installed on a tank. The Historian provides data from every scan, allowing you to trend the time a PRV opened, at what pressure, and for how long. The information can be then used to modify settings of your PRV’s (See API 2000). The MVS 3002 can also be used to monitor any gas blanketing on a tank, i.e., making sure the pressure is correct to stop the formulation of vapors.


The MVS 3002 is designed for use on fixed or cone roof storage tanks. A short probe (2’ – 4”) with one sensor in atmosphere and one sensor in vapor space below the roof. Uses one 4” top flange.


MAP 3004 Multi-function Alarm Probe – Provides Overfill Protection (in accordance with API 2350 and IEC 61511) and Rupture Protection (MVS 3002 capabilities) from one instrument. When used as the Secondary alarm system, the MAP 3004 will provide continuous monitoring of Level, Temperature, and Pressure measurement over the probe length (Critical High (CH), ASOP or MSOP, High-High (HH), and Maximum Working (MW) level) on fixed or cone roof tanks. The MAP 3004 is a ridged 2” SS probe with one ambient sensor above the roof, one vapor sensor below the roof, and two middle sensors used for continuous measure of liquid within alarm range. It uses one 4” top mounting flange. The 2’ ridged MAP 3004 is hung from the top flange into the tank.


MOP 3006 Multi-function Overfill (and Rupture) Protection – It provides both Overfill Protection (in accordance with API 2350 and IEC 61511) and Rupture Protection (MVS 3002capabilities) from one instrument. When used as the Secondary alarm system, the MOP 3006 will provide continuous monitoring of Level, Temperature, and Pressure measurement over the probe length (Critical High (CH), ASOP or MSOP, High-High (HH), Maximum Working (MW) level, and Minimum Working Level) on fixed or cone roof tanks. The MOP 3006 is a 2” SS probe with one ambient sensor above the roof, one vapor sensor below the roof, and three middle sensors used for continuous measure of liquid within alarm range. It uses a 6” or larger gauge well or 4” or larger top mounting flange. The MOP 3006 is a bottom referenced probe with optional capability for TRMI “Tank Reference Movement Indicator”.


The MOP 3006 can be used as a standalone “secondary alarm” gauge or within the MTG 3018 (MTG 3012 for Inventory & MOP 3006 for secondary alarms) or MHP 3055 (MTP 3050 & MOP 3006) configurations. Both the MTG 3018 and MHP 3055 have two independent transmitter boards and sensor arrays within one 2” probe. The MTG 3018 and MHP 3055 provide a higher level of redundancy. The 2” probe will fit within an 8” or larger gauge well without interfering with manual reference hand lines and sampling.


MTG 3012 “Multi-function Tank Gauge”a sectional full-height probe (8’ to 265’) with magnetic footer.  MTG comes in full surface contact with the vapor or liquid, to measure all needed (required) parameters for correct volume measurement. A Tank Gauge that measures Innage and without refence point movement error like top (roof, flanged, or gauge well) mounted technologies.  MTG 3012 is a 2” diameter probe that works within a gauge well or without a gauge well. 


GSI MTG technology can provide the following: 

  • Volume (by Hydrostatic and/or Hybrid Method)
    •  Mass
    •  Level
    •  Interface
    •  Multi-point Spot temperature (Liquid Temperature Stratification)
    •  Average Product (Reference) Temperature
    •  Multi-Strata density (Liquid Density stratification)
    •  Average Product (Reference) Density
    •  Total Water (Water stratification) Free, Emulsified, and Entrained water
    •  Vapor (Pressure, Temperature, and Density)  
  • Optional – Ambient (Pressure, Temperature, and Density)
    •  Flow Rate by Mass and Volume
    •  Tank Bottom / Roof Movement Indication  


All measured or calculated parameters within the MTG can be used within the GSI 1010 TG SOFT SERVER for the following applications:

•  Inventory and Custody Transfer Accuracy 

•  Manual hand line or Laboratory data entry  

•  Overfill & Rupture Prevention – Exceeds API 2350 5th Edition. 

•  Leak Detection – 24 hr. Tank Tightness or continuous monitoring.  

•  Vapor & Ambient monitoring (PRV, Blanketing, Emission parameters, etc.)  

•  Transfer Editor with transfer ticketing, Top-Middle-Bottom Density, and yield analysis between Tank Gauge and Meter or hand line. 

•  Water on roof (Drainage monitoring) 

•  In Tank Blending / Mixing (Lubricants, Crude Oil, Condensate, etc.)  

•  Monitoring electrical usage of mixers and heaters (cost savings)   

•  Tank De-watering or Water Settling

•  Etc.


MTG 3014 with Redundant Critical Sensors  – A MTG 3012 with an additional Vapor Space Sensor and an additional Bottom Sensor.  To maintain full functionality if one of the two primary sensors at these positions fail. Maintains the ability to bring the MTG within minutes. 


MTG 3018 “Multi-function Tank Gauge and Overfill Prevention”  

Provides two completely independent gauges (MTG 3012 & MTA 3006) in one physical 2” probe assembly. Each gauge has its own transmitter card and sensor array within a shared Transmitter Enclosure, thus, only one tank top flange opening is required for mounting “Two” gauges. Each gauge uses independent signal and power sources within the system to maintain complete independence. Exceeds API 2350 Overfill Protection requirements.


MTG 3024 “Fully Redundant MTG”  – The MTG 3024 provides two completely independent MTG 3012 Multi-function Tank Gauges within one physical probe assembly. Each gauge has its own transmitter card and sensor array within the shared Transmitter Enclosure, thus, only one tank top flange opening is required for mounting “Two” gauges (with or without gauge well). Each gauge uses independent signal and power sources within the system to maintain complete independence. No shared components between gauges, i.e., Antenna, power supply, I.S. barriers, etc.


MTP 3025 “Multi-function Tank Probe” The MTP provides multi-point spot temperature, multi-strata density, and Water. It is designed for accurate inventory accuracy using better measurement technology. For use with level gauges (Radar, Servo, and mechanical).


TTP 3030 “Tank Temperature Probe”multi-point spot temperature probe using Class A, 100 Ohm Platinum RTD’s. Six (6) – Twelve (12) per TTP, based upon tank height. Rigid 2” Stainless-Steel probe construction. MODBUS RTU over four-wire RS 485 Output.


TLP 3035 “Temperature Level Probe” Approximate Level and wetted RTD selection for Average Temperature or Individual spot RTD’s. Multi-point spot temperature probe using Class A, 100 Ohm Platinum RTD’s. Six (6) – Twelve (12) per TTP, based upon tank height. MODBUS RTU over four-wire RS 485 Output.


RTD’s and Thermowell’s API Standard Chapter 7.3 Temperature Determination—Fixed Automatic Tank Temperature Systems.  Class A, 100ohm, Platinum RTDs, length 36” (36” above tank bottom).  Other lengths available and Thermowell’s, Threaded or flanged. 


Combination Bi-Metal & RTD – A combination Bi-Metal and RTD.  Bi-Metal with local temperature dial indication and RTD for remote indication via gauge transmitter. API Standard Chapter 7.3 Temperature Determination.


HTP 3050 “Hydrostatic Tank Probe” – Provides Mass, Spot temperature, and Density. A Hydrostatic Tank Probe uses four or five absolute pressure transducers and RTD’s installed within a 2” probe from the top of the tank; no hot taps, valves, heat trace or tubing; Eliminates all standard HTG errors. MODBUS RTU over four-wire RS 485 Output.


HTP 3055 “Hydrostatic Tank Probe & Overfill Protection” Redundant combination of the HTP 3050 and MOP 3006 in one probe. Only one tank top flange opening is required for mounting “Two” gauges. Each gauge uses independent signal and power sources within the system to maintain complete independence. MODBUS RTU over Two four-wire RS 485 Outputs.


MMP 3100 “Multi-Media Probe”  – The MMP provides: Level, Multi-point Temperature, and Interface (water bottom) with options for secondary instruments to provide: Density, Mass, Vapor pressure, etc. It comes in three (3) configurations:

•  AST “Aboveground Storage Tanks” is for Horizontal and Vertical cylinder tanks used for fuel tanks and other products.   

•  UST “Underground Storage Tanks is for gasoline, diesel, and other products stored below ground.  

•  “GAS” is for LPG Bullet tanks, i.e., higher pressure service.

The MMP has a height limitation of 17.5’ (5.33m) based upon shipping costs


HLAS 4100 High Level Alarm Switch

The 4100 HLAS is the first (1987) and only redundant displacer High Level Alarm Switch. It provides one or two (displacers) actuation points (High-High & High) and one or two relays per actuation point. Using one “A set” to NC and the second “B set to NO gives an Alarm, Alarm & Maintenance, or No Alarm state. Optional SS Checker Assembly with tubing connector, trip cable & handle. Displacers are available in Teflon or PVC, Vertical or Horizontal orientation. 


Gauging Systems Inc. provides engineered solutions for:

Audio/Visual Warning Systems (Horn & Lights), Annunciator panels, PLC or RTU communications (based upon wiring topology) and the TG SOFT SERVER alarm application for Overfill Protection (and for other notifications / status / alarm conditions).

Industries (using Liquid Bulk Storage Tanks):

•  Refining & Petrochemical
•  Marketing terminals
•  Independent liquid terminals
•  Pipeline (Logistic)  terminals
•  Crude Oil Production and Settling tanks
•  Transportation (Airports, Marine (Bunker Fuel), Barges, Tankers, FPSO’s, Railroads, etc.)
•  Government (Fuel Systems, Flood Monitoring, etc.)
•  Beverage (Wine & Spirits)
•  Pharmaceutical
•  Mining (Fuel Systems)
•  Power
•  Cooling water, Waste water, Fresh water
•  Others

Tank Gauging

Common Applications Include:

•  Crude Oil (De-watering) Settling, In tank blending (Quality Control)
•  Lubricants (Quality Control)
•  Gasoline, Diesel, Jet (Quality Control)
•  Remote tank gauging (Inventory, Liquid quality, Distribution notification, Pickup notification, Theft prevention, Alarms, etc.)

GSI products
Waiting Forever
Gauging Systems Inc. GSI Products,


Gauging Systems Inc. (GSI) manufactures: Flood Gauges, Target Boards, Sump Gauges, Level Indicators, Tank Gauges, Mechanical Float & Tape Gauges, Multi-function Tank Gauges, Digital Transmitters, Analog Transmitters, Limit Switches, RTU’s, LPG Tank Gauging, Communication Interfaces, Solar Interfaces, Instrument Shelters, High Level Alarm Switch, Overfill and Rupture Prevention, Unauthorized Movement Alarms (Leak Detection, Theft, Improper Line-ups, Equipment failure, etc.), Drop Box Notification Systems, and more.


GSI provides: “TG SOFT SERVER” software for Inventory Monitoring, Tank Gauging, Overfill & Rupture protection, Leak detection (Continual and tank tightness testing), and various applications for Vapor and Ambient Air Monitoring.  Distribution and Pick-up Systems for various commodities.


We provide: Both bench and field service repair of tank gauging and related equipment. Project engineering and supervision for on-site installations (retrofit or new equipment). Engineers (Communications, Electrical, Mechanical, and Software) available for system design and custom (OEM) product design.